A Unique Approach to Jewish Affiliation
"Torah can be acquired only through friendship." Talmud, Berakhot, 63B

Who Are We & What Do We Offer?


  • We are a community of Jews whose main focus is to promote Jewish learning, worship and celebration on a multi-generational continuum.

  • We are not affiliated with any of the Jewish movements.  We are, however, egalitarian and progressive in our approach and practice.

  • We recognize that there are many unaffiliated Jews throughout Somerset County who would like to be a part of a Jewish community, but who have not found an appropriate home.  Our community is designed to appeal to the unaffiliated by providing a unique combination of innovative schooling, life-long learning opportunities, meaningful and engaging worship experiences, and affordable cost.

  • In regards to worship and life-long learning, we are primarily a lay-led group, supplemented with clergy support. We are fortunate to have several warm & dynamic clergy partners.

  • Our K-12 learning center uses an engaging and informal, "camp-style" approach to Jewish learning.  Experienced, nurturing staff help build a positive Jewish community environment, with a focus on fun.

  • Our worship and celebrations include: a weekly clergy and/or lay-led Shabbat morning study experience; monthly Friday evening Share-A-Shabbat gatherings; High Holy Day services; and festival observances.

  • We support several on-going social action projects including those that feed the hungry, honor the elderly, and assist families with children of special needs.

  • We provide a life-cycle, clergy referral service for our supporter families to use as the need arises.