A Unique Approach to Jewish Affiliation

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22.6

Pre K – 12 Learning Center

We are an independent, unaffiliated supplemental Jewish learning center. The Learning Center meets on Sunday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Q: How is CCJL Learning Center different from a traditional Sunday / Hebrew School program?

A:  Our approach is engaging, fast-paced, experiential, and informal.  We want our children to love their Judaism and be proud of their heritage.  We make Judaism fun and relevant. We inter-mingle the spirit and fun of camp with the concrete learning of school.  Using a team approach, our learning staff partners together to collaborate and plan for rich Jewish experiences.   

Q: Can you describe the environment at the CCJL Learning Center?

A: We foster a joyful learning community. Our environment is relaxed, informal, nurturing, welcoming, and inclusive.  Meaningful relationships and community building between children and families is a central goal of our program.   We actively seek to build community grounded in relationships of caring, compassion, respect, and mentschy behavior.  Our learning staff will help nurture children to feel successful and good about themselves.

Q: Is there a full Jewish curriculum?

A: Absolutely! Hands-on projects, rather than textbooks form the centerpiece of our learning experiences.  Our curriculum is rich in providing opportunities for our children to discover and explore Jewish identity & practice, mitzvot, holiday observance, bible studies, Hebrew language acquisition and prayer.

Q: If I enroll my children at CJLL Learning Center, how do you help them with their Bar or Bat Mitzvah?

A: The CCJL Learning Center will provide Hebrew reading instruction and synagogue service prayer liturgy as part of our Sunday program.  When it comes time for your child to prepare to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Chai Center will act as a resource. We will provide you with tutor names who are fully equipped to train your child at this step.  These tutors work directly with Chai Center.  You make the financial arrangements privately. We will also provide a list of rabbis who are available, as well.  The beauty of this is that you craft the Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience that is right for your family.  Nobody will tell you what you can or cannot do.  The staff at the CJLL Learning Center will help guide you. We believe this is a special moment in your life and there should be limited anxiety and stress. 

Q: Are there additional fees to join?

A: NO! When you register your child in our Learning Center, you automatically become a member of the Chai Center for Jewish Life.  There are no additional membership fees!  If you are able to donate additionally to help offset costs that would be wonderful, but nobody will require you to do so.

Q: How do I register?

A: There are two options: 

1) Complete the on-line registration and forward us your $50 deposit / registration fee; 2) print the registration form and mail it with your $50 deposit / registration fee.

Q: How can I learn more?

A: We would love to speak with you. Contact us at info@chaicenternj.org.  Be sure to give us your name and phone number and someone will get back to you shortly.

 K – 12 Learning Center


We are an independent, unaffiliated, supplemental Jewish learning center. The Learning Center meets on Sunday 9:00 am – 11:30 pm, at 20 Shawnee Drive, Watchung. 


Q: How is CCJL Learning Center different from a traditional Sunday / Hebrew School program?


A:  Our approach is engaging, fast-paced, experiential, and informal.  We want our children to love their Judaism and be proud of their heritage.  We make Judaism fun and relevant. We inter-mingle the spirit and fun of camp with the concrete learning of school.  Using a team approach, our learning staff partners together to collaborate and plan for rich Jewish experiences.  


Q: Can you describe the environment at the CCJL Learning Center?


A: We foster a joyful learning community. Our environment is relaxed, informal, nurturing, welcoming, and inclusive.  Meaningful relationships and community building between children and families is a central goal of our program.   We actively seek to build community grounded in relationships of caring, compassion, respect, and mensch-like behavior.  Our learning staff help nurture children to feel successful and good about themselves.


Q: Is there a full Jewish curriculum?


A: Absolutely! Hands-on projects and interactive experiences, rather than textbooks, form the centerpiece of our learning experiences.  Our curriculum is rich in providing opportunities for our children to discover and explore Jewish identity & practice, mitzvot, holiday observance, Bible study, history, God beliefs, Hebrew language acquisition and prayer.


Q: If I enroll my children at CCJL Learning Center, how do you help them with their Bar or Bat Mitzvah?


A: The CCJL Learning Center will provide Hebrew reading instruction and prayer liturgy as part of our Sunday program.  When it comes time for your child to prepare to become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Chai Center will act as a resource. We will provide you with names of tutors who are fully equipped to train your child at this step.  These tutors work directly with Chai Center.  You make the financial arrangements privately. We will also provide a list of partner rabbis and/or service leaders who are available to officiate.  The beauty of this is that you craft the Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience that is right for your family.  Nobody will tell you what you can or cannot do.  The staff at the CCJL Learning Center will help guide you. We believe this is a special moment in your life and there should be limited anxiety and stress.


Q: Are there additional fees to join?


A: NO! When you register your child in our Learning Center, you automatically become a full member of Chai Center for Jewish Life.  There are no additional membership fees!  If you are able to donate additionally to help offset costs that would be wonderful, but nobody will require you to do so.


Q: How can we know if CCJL Learning Center is the right fit for my children?

A. Trying us out is the best way to decide. We invite your children to visit and spend the morning with us. Call us to make arrangements.

Q: How do I register?


A: Complete the online registration and mail us your tuition check.


Q: How can I learn more?


A: We would love to speak with you. Contact us at info@chaicenternj.org.  Be sure to give us your name and phone number and someone will get back to you shortly.